Discussion: La création et la santé mentale
Les Impatients are collaborating with Artch on a panel about the impact of creation on mental health. A psychiatrist, cultural workers, and artists will discuss the benefits of creation on their mental health. The panel will be held in French.
Discover the panelists:
- Amélie Pellerin, Artist and Les Impatients Workshop Leader
- Berirouche Feddal, Artist participating both in Parle-moi d’amour and Artch
- Jana Yotte, Artist participating both in Parle-moi d’amour and Artch
- Jonas Brass, Workshop Participant, Les Impatients
- M.D. Leon Tourian, Psychiatrist and President of Les Impatients Board of Directors
- Lorraine Palardy, President-Founder of Les Impatients
- Sarah Kitsy Gineau-Delyon, Artch Director and Panel Moderator
You’ll also have the opportunity to visit the exhibition-auction Parle-moi d’amour. Bringing together over 300 works from workshop participants and professional artists, the auction will allow Les Impatients to continue its activities.